We are experts in building Wood Fired Pizza Oven models . Interested in constructing a classic brick pizza oven? Explore our PreCut Brick Oven Kits. If you’re looking for a simpler assembly with rapid heating, our PreCast Oven Kit is perfect for you!
preCast P85
This price covers the P85 Pre-Cast 33.5″ pizza oven kit with installation. Note that the cost for the pizza oven stand is separate. Request a quote for your custom stand anytime!
This price covers the D95 Pre-Cut 37.5″ pizza oven kit with installation. Note that the cost for the pizza oven stand is separate. Request a quote for your custom stand anytime!
PreCut d105
This price covers the D105 Pre-Cut 41.3″ pizza oven kit plus installation. Note that the cost for the pizza oven stand is separate. Request a quote for your custom stand anytime!
PreCut D130
This price covers the D130 Pre-Cut 51″ pizza oven kit plus installation. Note that the cost for the pizza oven stand is separate. Request a quote for your custom stand anytime!

Calcium Silicate Board is used to prevent heat loss from the thermal mass of the oven floor, keeping the heat in the floor where you need it, for stable cooking.

To increase the thermal mass in the oven floor we use refractory castable and formwork to create a 1″ thick slab on top of the insulation board. This layer stores extra heat to balance the thermal mass of the large oven dome and gives you a flat surface to bed your floor tiles onto.

These bricks are made with a 38% Alumina Fireclay, with incredible surface hardness and density. You’ll bed these bricks down onto a layer of refractory mortar to get your floor perfectly flat and level.

This prevents heat escaping from the brick dome. The combination of the CalSil under the floor and the Ceramic Fibre Blanket over the dome means the thermal mass of the oven is cocooned in high temperature insulation.

The Perlite Render forms a protective shell over the Ceramic Fibre Blanket. This layer is a structural substrate, ready for finishing. The custom curved Float helps you get a smooth dome shape and once the oven is cured and dry, you’ll cover this render layer with a coat of acrylic texture to waterproof the dome

Our oven kits includes a Stainless Steel Oven door, finished in a satin-black coating. The door comes with a temperature gauge that is accurate to 1000°F, and is fitted with beautiful hardwood handles.

We Serve in
Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania

The price includes:
The selected oven model with full installation. The oven stand is quoted separately per request.

100% Customer Satisfaction
We work hard to ensure our products and services are of the highest quality, customer satisfaction is our main priority.